Design a space you will love

Claire Kearney interior Design

Claire Kearney Interior Designer

The daffodils are out in full force, there is a longer stretch in the evenings and you are feeling more energised. You’ve intentionally decided that now is the perfect time to tackle that design project you’ve been putting off. Can you believe how excited you are starting to feel?? Humour yourself, and just go with it for now!!

Start with a plan! Get the tedious stuff sorted. Declutter the space in question, see what you have to work with, see what has to go. Allow yourself to smile at that hidden treasure you forgot you had! Now dust it down and crack on. Set yourself a realistic budget. Examine the space you have and plan what needs to be included and where it will best fit. Use some tape to mark out areas, that will help to ensure you have ample space. With a crash course in design planning completed now get ready for a tangent about Beauty and the Beast.

I watched the animation lately with my little boy Fox and as we were listening to the soundtrack over breakfast the following day he told me that he had already fallen in love, a few days ago actually, with a girl in his class at school! He is 5 and so certain of his feelings of love and happiness. A pure joy to behold. My point is here somewhere…. what we find beautiful in terms of décor is totally unique to each of us. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There’s no real right or wrong when it comes to making design choices in your home so don’t be put off before you even start. Sometimes it just feels right, and if it makes you happy who is anyone to argue with that.

However, if you’re a little unsure where to begin, start by identifying what colours, textures, shapes and patterns you like or reference pictures of designs you come across that you gravitate towards. Doing this will essentially lead you to identify and define your style. Then it’s a case of incorporating these elements into your home, creating a space that is beautiful to you. With your overall aesthetics decided it’s now time to decide what’s your jam, your bag, your unique selling point for your space!

In a home I just love when you get a strong sense of a person’s desires, preferences, a snippet of what brings them enjoyment or what they care about. When stepping into a home as an outsider you won’t always align to design choices made but there’s no rebuking how a strong sense of identity is infectious and adds so much character to a home. When designing a space in your home leave some room for personalisation, that may be through cherished photos, mementos from a wonderful trip, books that you love, a musical instrument, something that is thoughtful, something that brings joy and tells part of your story.

You may feel daunted and decide on replicating a look you’ve seen in a magazine or a showroom and that can be ok too if it means you will finish this project! However, be sure to incorporate your own little touches as the end result will be more considered and meaningful to you.

Finally, we know that our bodies respond to the surroundings we are in and what we see, feel, hear, taste and smell affects our mood and behaviour. Therefore, it makes sense to pay particular attention to your emotions and the feelings you want to spark when you’re creating your space. So, as an example, if you want to create a space that doesn’t overstimulate, one that is restful and evokes calm and cosiness then the trick is to engage your senses in a calm balanced way. A space with lots of textures going on, carpets, cushions, rugs, etc will be quieter to our ears than an open area with shiny surfaces. I apologise if this all sounds too much work, too much to consider. It’s not, sorry, not sorry! It’s really worth that little extra effort to pay attention to the little details that will have big impact including the materials you choose from a sensory point of view in order to achieve the mood you are seeking.

Ok, I won’t distract you further, your time is precious, you have work to do, decisions to make and rooms to fill with love and happiness.


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