Breathe new life into your home

Claire Kearney interior Design

Claire Kearney Interior Designer

Whether you are the person who loves or loathes the furore around making New Year resolutions it’s hard to completely ignore when in January the topic pops up everywhere. I’ve never really leaned into the hype of New Year’s celebrations and I don’t generally make resolutions either. However, this year I have decided to be more intentional at home, challenging myself to make practical changes that will hopefully make a difference.

I’ve never liked being told what to do, a bit stubborn that way, but I do love to challenge myself, follow a plan, and ‘tick things off’. In my mind it’s all about how something is framed that makes the difference. I think the same will apply to the idea of creating a mindful home, some of you will be attracted to exploring the principles of mindulfness and how it can transform your home. Others will switch off at the thoughts of this airy fairy concept and will feel it’s best left to your yogi friends!

I should mention that I’m no mindfulness expert, I do however like to practice yoga and I exercise regularly finding the benefits are as much for my mind as for the physical results. Therefore, I feel that maybe if I apply the same rational, best intention and habit around the house there will be greater consideration, a fresh sense of contentment and order around our home. Before long, everything will have a place, it won’t seem so much like hard work and everyone will enjoy a more relaxing space. Here’s hoping anyway!

Creating a mindful home doesn’t mean you have to build on an extension for your new swanky home gym, or gut the bathroom to create a spa like space, or knock walls out to enjoy your garden more. Don’t frantically start making frightfully long to do lists either like declutter every room, get the painter in, clean the carpets, dump all broken furniture, items etc. The year is long and you will have plenty of time to apply your ninja skills around the house, for now take steps that will make you feel happier in your home. Start off by taking a little time to embrace some simple pleasures, things you can easily do and enjoy.

As the year moves on I’ll nudge you, in case you are that person who likes to tick a list and see and feel a sense of accomplishment, but for now just a few simple ideas.

Maximise space in your home

See the potential in the space you have and create nooks for a new hobby, a home workout, a play area, home office etc.

Get Smart

Take a break from your smart devices, stop scrolling and instead read a book, do a puzzle, listen to music, have a bath.

Feel the warmth

Cosy up by the fire, wrap yourself up in a nice blanket, put on your woolly socks, light the nice candles.

Indulge without guilt

With cold and dark evenings it’s normal to crave comfort food so eat wholesome delicious food, savour the cake, enjoy the glass of vino.

It’s the little things that make a difference. Enjoy.

Happy New Year,


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